BSL Shaders

A sophisticated shader pack that builds on a few others is CaptTatsu's BSL Shaders 1.19.1 / 1.18.2, which we'll simply refer to as BSL Shaders from this point forward. It was one of the shader mods that worked best with GPUs in 2015, but that won't be the case in 2021. Additionally, BSL Shaders requires Optifine with Shader (located in the + settings menu) to produce the highest quality visuals, in contrast to many shader packs that function just fine as standalone mods. So, in order to get the most out of this shader pack, you'll need Optifine if it isn't already installed.

Not all of the information presented here is original because BSL Shaders draws some of its inspiration from Chocapic13's Shaders. Despite the fact that it has been heavily modified, credit is still given to the original source materials without which this mod would not have been possible. Bright colors with boost and saturation adjustments give everything a sort of cel-shaded appearance. The motion blur effect has been updated to properly blur textures that are hidden by the new lighting and shadow effects even though clouds are still rendered in 2D. All throughout, there are no glaring bugs or glitches, so everything looks great.

The BSL Shaders mod has more demanding requirements than most. If you were disappointed to learn that this heavily modified version of Chocapic13's Shaders has higher requirements to go along with its noticeably improved visuals, then Chocapic13's Shaders were already too demanding for you. Even though it should go without saying, the fact that some shaders can be used with integrated graphics and not even a GPU makes it seem important to mention. BSL Shaders do not currently and probably never will work with the most recent version of Minecraft because new updates are not exactly on the horizon.

BSL Shaders — Features

Realtime shadows
Volumetric light
Ambient occlusion
Customizable clouds and water
Built-in anti-aliasing
Depth of field
Motion blur
Normal mapping
Cel shading
World curvature